Getting Started with Conductor

To get started with Conductor.js, download a copy of the library from GitHub.

The first thing to note is that this file is valid JavaScript and HTML, which is why it has the extension .js.html. This might seem unusual, but is what allows Conductor.js to work in both Internet Explorer and modern browsers.

Warning Conductor.js is undergoing rapid development and the API is subject to change. Your feedback is very important. If you run into trouble, please file an issue on GitHub.

This documentation is also open source. The website source code is available at

Installing the Library

After you’ve downloaded Conductor.js, include the hybrid JavaScript/HTML file in your HTML page like this:

<script src="/dist/conductor-0.2.0.js.html"></script>

Setting Up Conductor

To add a Conductor cards to your application, first create a new instance of Conductor:

var conductor = new Conductor();

Note Because Conductor needs to provide a copy of the Conductor library to the cards you create, it assumes that it can find a copy at the absolute URL /dist/conductor-02.0.js.html. If your copy of Conductor is at a different URL, specify that URL using the conductorURL option:

var conductor = new Conductor({
  conductorURL: '/js/libs/conductor.js.html'

Creating a Card

Once you have created the Conductor instance, load a card by passing the URL to the card’s JavaScript to the load method:

var card = conductor.load("/cards/test_card.js");

Once you have created the card object, tell it to render itself into the DOM by calling the appendTo method with the DOMElement into which it should render:
